Of your charity, please pray for 24-year-old Emily Mattson. Emily is young woman from Eaton Rapids who is currently discerning a vocation to religious life. In fact, she is currently “deeply interested” in a particular religious order. Here’s Emily’s story of her journey, so far, towards religious life:
“I'm Emily Mattson. I’m 24 (although I will be turning 25 tomorrow!) and yes, St. Peter's church in Eaton Rapids is my home parish.”
“I grew up in a Catholic, homeschooling family. The Holy Rosary, daily Mass, and weekly Adoration were an important part of our lives. I became aware of an interest in religious life when I was a freshman in high school and began more serious discernment when I was 18. I went on several ‘Nun Runs’ where we visited different religious communities and began attending Formation Nights at Emmaus House, the women's discernment house in the Diocese of Lansing.”
“Getting the chance to meet Sisters and actually get a glimpse of what religious sisters do was extremely helpful. It made discernment of religious life more concrete. Formation Nights were another great blessing; through these nights of study and discussion I met other young women who were discerning God's call. Their example and testimonies challenged and encouraged me on my journey.”
“I lived for two years at the Emmaus House and continued to grow in my relationship with God. I was greatly blessed by the opportunity to live in community with other women and to have the Blessed Sacrament under the same roof.”
“On the first ‘Nun Run’ I attended, one of the sisters told us to ‘fall in love with God first’. She said that falling in love with God is the most important thing in discernment. As I continue my discernment journey, I am realizing more and more the truth of sister's statement. Knowing God's love for us, and loving God in return, is the base for everything else. It is on this foundation that we can truly discern.”
“Currently, I am waiting on God's timing. There is a religious order that I am deeply interested in but I am waiting for God to let me know when to take the next step.”