Read: Interview with local Catholic author, Ana Braga-Henebry

Ana Braga-Henebry, pictured, is a parishioner at Saint Thomas Aquinas parish in East Lansing. Ana has recently had her book Jérôme Lejeune, The Saintly Geneticist published by Word on Fire:

Question: Can you share a little background information about yourself?

Ana: I am the seventh of 10 children from a happy Catholic family in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. My American husband and I met in graduate school here in Texas, and we have lived in various college towns raising our seven kids. I have been an educator most of my life, and I have been writing since very young.

Question: Why did you write the book about Jérôme Lejeune?

Ana: My mother was educated in a French school and my parents lived in France for a while before I was born. They instilled in us a deep love for that culture. I knew about Venerable Dr Lejeune even before I met him personally at a conference in 1993. After finishing the recently published biography by the postulator of his cause, I looked for a children’s book about him to share with my family and students. When I found nothing, I knew I was going to write it!

Growing up, there were so many conversations around the dinner table about all things, many related to science. My father was a man of deep faith. He was an engineer and a pianist who had a deep interest in the Arts and in scientific fields of study, and my older brothers studied science. I have always known that science and faith go together beautifully. My husband is a scientist and professor, and I see the need for books to help impress on young children how these go hand-in-hand.

Question: What is it about Lejeune’s life that you feel is important to share?

Ana: While John Langdon Down first described the traits of Down syndrome in the 19th century, it was Dr. Lejeune, 100 years later, who first discovered its chromosomal makeup. It was a huge scientific advance for medicine and he won many awards. Lejeune was a dedicated and brilliant scientist, but first of all he was a family man of profound faith. This guided and anchored him for the rest of his life as he defended the right to life of individuals with chromosomal abnormalities.

Question: What is the main message you hope to convey through the book?

Ana: The book shows children the harmony that exists between faith and science, and the example of a man who put his brilliant intellect and career in the service of God.

Question: Have you written any other books?

Ana: Funny you ask. My husband has been telling me for years that I have a book of memoirs/stories in me. I am a storyteller when friends and family gather around the table. I have been cataloging past correspondence from my native Brazil and jotting down notes. Wish me luck!

Question: Do you have any other books in the pipeline?

Ana: Yes, I have written a children‘s book of a story from Brazil that is in pre-publication stages with Word on Fire, and I am working on two more about “saintly scientists”!

* To purchase Ana's new book go to: