A happy feast day to the parish of Saint Gerard in Lansing upon the Feast of Saint Gerard Majella, the 18th century Italian religious brother who belonged to the Redemptorist Order.
“Saint Gerard Majella's short life can inspire all of us towards a deeper trust in God's will, even amid life's difficulties and tragedies,” says Father Bob Bacik, Pastor of Saint Gerard parish, October 16.
“Shortly before his death at the age of 29, he posted his final testament on his cell door: ‘Here the will of God is done, as God wills, and as long as God wills’.”
“Saint Gerard is the patron of unborn children, childbirth, and the falsely accused. He is a powerful intercessor, and many have prayed to him in times of pregnancy complications.”
“It is a humbling experience when someone comes to me and asks for a blessing with the relic of Saint Gerard or to receive a blessed medal to give to a loved one in need.”
“On this feast day of Saint Gerard, we praise God for his example and powerful intercession. Saint Gerard, pray for us!”
Saint Gerard parish in Lansing was established in 1958 at the behest of Bishop Joseph Albers who asked Father John F. Weber to be the founding pastor. At that time, the city of Lansing was booming and a new parish was needed to ease the strain on Holy Cross parish. Initially, the new parish of Saint Gerard gathered for Sunday Mass at Bretton Woods School until the first church building was completed. The first on-site Mass was in a “temporary” church building for the Midnight Mass on Christmas 1959.
In 1961 the Sisters of Saint Joseph opened Saint Gerard School with grades 3-6, and by 1964 they had expanded to their very first 8th grade graduation. The parish was growing rapidly, so in September of 1971 ground was broken for the construction of the first "permanent" church building. This church was dedicated in 1975 whereupon the "temporary" church was converted into the gymnasium which is still in use.
Today let us pray for the clergy and lay faithful of Saint Gerard parish, both living and dead. RIP. Let us pray:
Almighty and Eternal God, we thank you for the gift of Saint Gerard and the example of his life. Because Saint Gerard always had complete faith and trust in you, you blessed him with miracles of help and healing. Through him, you showed your loving concern for all those who suffered or were in need; you never failed to hear his prayer on their behalf. Today, through Saint Gerard's powerful intercession, you continue to show your love for all those who place their trust in you.
(Insert any personal prayer intentions here)
And so, Father, full of faith and confidence, and in thanksgiving for all the wonderful things you have done for us, we place ourselves before you today. Through the intercession of Saint Gerard, hear our prayers and petitions, and if it is your holy will, grant them.
• Information courtesy of Saint Gerard parish. To find out more: https://stgerard.org/