The striking promotional poster for the Diocese of Lansing's 2024 Diocesan Services Appeal has won first prize in the “Best Annual Appeal Poster” category at the International Catholic Stewardship Council’s 62nd Annual Conference held in New Orleans, Louisiana, September 15-18. Deo gratias.
"What a gift and honor it's been to work with the talented team at the Diocese of Lansing to co-create a God-centered and family-focused image,” said Jackson-based artist, Joseph Jude Macklin, creator of the artwork featured on the poster.
“I am truly grateful to have had this opportunity, and the support from the Diocese of Lansing. Glory to God!”
The poster depicts a family presenting the gifts to the priest during the Offertory at Holy Mass. The image is inspired by the Sacred Scripture verse for this year’s appeal which is drawn from the book of Sirach: “The offering of the just enriches the altar.” (Sir 35:8).
The Diocesan Services Appeal is operated by the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Lansing. The Catholic Foundation was established in 2016 to serve parishes, schools and other ministries by stewarding financial resources, fostering giving and assisting donors in providing for the Church’s long-term financial needs. The award was accepted at the International Catholic Stewardship Council’s conference by Isaac Owen, Development Officer of the Catholic Foundation, also pictured below.
“The Foundation gladly accepted the award,” said Matthew Hufnagel, President of the Catholic Foundation.
“We would like to thank all those involved in the creation of the poster, especially Joseph Macklin; the Diocese of Lansing’s Creative Services Manager Michelle Hildebrandt for her work creating the poster; and diocesan Director of Communications, David Kerr, who was the driving force behind the inspiration of the painting itself.”
“The Foundation would also like to thank all the generous donors of the Diocese of Lansing who make it possible for us to form communities of missionary disciples who go announce the Gospel of the Lord!”
40-year-old Joseph Jude Macklin is a parishioner at Saint Mary Star of the Sea in Jackson. He is an alumnus of Lumen Christi Catholic High School in Jackson and Columbus College of Art and Design in Ohio. In 2020, Joseph established the Instrumentum Dei Studio in Jackson to focus on devotional and liturgical art.
All Diocesan Services Appeal funds are used to sustain the ongoing, day-to-day work of the Church in the Diocese of Lansing. Contributions are put to work, right away, in a multitude of ministries and activities. The dollars are not invested or reserved for future use.