Today is the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Happy feast day! Today’s feast recalls to us the visit of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth shortly after the Annunciation (Luke 1:39 – 59). To help us pray and ponder this historically significant event, here’s a brief reflection from Dawn Hausmann who is the Director of Consecrated Vocations, Coordinator of Young Adult Ministry, and Delegate of Consecrated Life for the Diocese of Lansing.
“What joy! It’s the feast day of the Visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, the Second Joyful mystery of the Holy Rosary.”
“Being in the Holy Land and actually walking up the path to where the home of St. Elizabeth was which is now a church, I experienced such wonder and awe staring at the painted images of Mary and Elizabeth’s joyous reunion there. In the front of the church there is a stone wall covered with the words of Mary’s Magnificat carved in stone in many different languages. So amazing!”
“Now, when I pray this mystery of the Rosary, I feel so inspired by what living God’s will does to us! Mary, upon hearing and receiving God’s invitation to carry in her body and mother the Savior of the world, busts across the country to help Elizabeth in her need. What a heart of mission in the Lord Jesus! Upon their encounter with each other, the tangible presence of Jesus moves them both in great joy in their communion. Lord, please teach each of us how to live your will and bear you in our bodies so that we can more naturally share you, the reason for our Joy, with the world and bear much fruit!”
Image: The Visitation by James B. Janknegt, 2008