Prayer of Dedication for the Family Table

The home of believing Catholics is the core of the Church.  This is why the Catechism calls our homes the domestic Church.  The Catholic family's week centers on Mass. We gather at the Altar to witness Christ's sacrifice and share a sacred meal.  The focal point of a Catholic home should be the family altar, a place where the family can gather to offer their prayers to God and to ask the saints to pray for them.  The family dining table can be dedicated for this holy purpose and become a revered place where we gather as the domestic church for our physical sustenance and are reminded of the sacred Altar of Mass where our true spiritual sustenance lies.  As we gather in our homes with our family and friends, this simple table can be made holy and renew our families to live out our call as the domestic church.Prayer of Dedication for the Family Table
Father - + Light is a sign of God’s presence among us. 
Mother - The Lord is our light and our salvation.  We are called to be the children of light, to be a light unto all nations.  (Mother lights a candle)
All -  Blessed are You, Lord our God, who has made us lights to one another.
Father - Thank you, Lord, for the family table.  Here we share food, friendship, love, sorrow, work and pleasure.  May this table be a holy gathering place for our family, friends and relatives.  May we welcome the stranger here with food and fellowship.  May words of love, encouragement,   compassion and tenderness be the language spoken here.  Let not angry thoughts and words be at this table.  May forgiveness and peace take place here.
Mother - May the many and varied activities that take place at this table be characterized by a holy purpose.  May our work, our study, our nourishment, our fellowship reflect Christ.  May there     always be room for more at this table.  As more people at our table bring us closer together      physically may this also happen by bringing us closer together in our hearts.
Father -  As we are gathered together at our table, may Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace be ever present at our table, turning the hearts of each of us to one another, and deepening the bonds of friendship with all those who are gathered here.
All -    May the meals shared at this table  be a sign of joy and an act of praise.  We give you thanks for all your blessings; for life and for love, for our health and for    friendship and for the rewards that have come to us from our many labors.  May all  who gather at this table, know the presence and love of Jesus Christ.  Amen. +   
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