Please pray for the 34 young women who attended this month’s Fiat Ministries Women’s Discernment retreat as they prayerfully seek God’s will for their life.
“Thank you to all the young women who attended, to Emily Savage from Fiat Ministries who organized the retreat, and to the various Sisters who gave over their weekend to accompany the women on retreat, from carrying the women’s luggage to their bedrooms to ending the retreat with a half-hour Emmaus walk with each woman,” said Dawn Hausmann, Director of Consecrated Vocations for the Diocese of Lansing, April 20.
“Father, please bless the women, your daughters, who attended and are seeking your calling for their lives. Help them be one step closer to clarity of discernment and peace in whatever your vocation is for their lives. In Jesus’ Holy Name, I pray!”
The retreat was open to women ages 18-35. It took place at Saint Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt over the Palm Sunday weekend, 1-2 April. The religious orders represented included the Servants of God’s Love; Franciscan Sisters TOR; Sisters of St Francis of Perpetual Adoration; Dominicans of Mary Mother of the Eucharist; Marian Sisters; while Dawn Hausmann gave her witness as a consecrated virgin.
Founded in 2014, Fiat Ministries is a Kansas-based organization that seeks to foster prayer, self-knowledge, and authentic discernment in young Catholic women through a true relationship with Jesus Christ. It operates under the guidance of Blessed Mother and her “fiat” or “let it be done” to God’s will for her life.
• Do you want to know more about consecrated life? Contact Dawn Hausmann at the Diocese of Lansing’s Office for Consecrated Vocations at dhausmann@dioceseoflansing.org or 517-342-2506