Powers High School first Mass

Bishop Earl Boyea concelebrated with many priests at the new Powers Catholic High School, Flint’s dedication Mass.
Before Mass, several speakers thanked Bishop Boyea for his faith in the project. When he was told the diocese didn’t have the money, his response was, “Look harder.”
Dr. Kathy Kirtek, chair, for the PCHS Board of Directors gave the keys of the school to the bishop and said, “Welcome home, everything seems right. We did it. We finally did it. The city of Flint has had a positive impact on us and we will have a positive impact on the city.”
Principal Tom Furnas talked about the miracle of the school and thanked the many donors that made the new school possible. The Mayor of Flint, the Honorable Dayne Walling shared, “This is the largest private redevelopment in Flint. There is a powerful spirit of renewal in Flint.”
Old Powers was built in the 70s when eight Catholic high schools were closed to build it. William Haley, executive director, Genesee County Catholic Schools said, “They closed the schools and consolidated. It was a sacrifice but people gave and gave.”
Three high school seniors thought the school really cool. Lindsey Wisner said, “We will be the first graduating class from the school.” Katlyn Moonan remarked, “Everyone has become more of a family.” And Claire Peabody shared, “The old section and the new section bring everyone together.”
John Gazall, president of Gazall, Lewis & Associates Architects, Inc., an alumnus, stated, “It is very exciting to complete the project for Powers. We did it in three years. We reclaimed the building for the students and the city of Flint.”
The 545 students have found a new home thanks to all the efforts of those who went before them. Powers Catholic High School has been built on family and love. The younger generation will carry that heritage with them. They are welcomed home. By Jan Hoffbauer