March for Life Jackson County

Kathy Potts, executive director for Right to Life, Jackson, flew to the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. The group, including 26 students, joined the thousands of pro-life people. She was impressed with those who marched for the 57 million babies whose lives have been eliminated by abortion.Potts said, “There was a very young presence at the march. They were filled with the Holy Spirit. It is exciting to be pro-life. I think they get it, that a third of their generation is not here.”
Before the march, they attended the opening Mass at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. More than 20,000 pilgrims attended. The procession took more than 40 minutes as bishops, cardinals, priests and deacons from all over the United States testified to the gospel of life. They also visited the Holocaust Museum. Potts shared, “The museum parallels the march. It shows the young people what happened to the Jewish people.”
Potts stated, “We come away with hope to see the Holy Spirit working in all these people. We know the battle is being won.”
By Jan Hoffbauer