March for Life 2016


Tens of thousands traveled to Washington, DC amid a major winter storm on January 22, to mark the solemn day of the anniversary of Roe vs.Wade, including these marchers from the Diocese of Lansing

R.J. McVeigh, Great Lakes regional director with Students for Life of America and Sandi Weathers, 40 Days For Life Ann Arbor campaign director. If you are in the Great Lakes Region (MI, IN or OH) and need help starting or training a pro-life group, McVeigh can be contacted at

The march ended up in front of the United States Supreme Court building

David Daleiden, Center for Medical Progress led a protest at the new mega Planned Parenthood under construction in Washington DC, along with other national pro-life leaders. (L-R) Dr. Monica Miller, director of Citizens for a Prolife Society; David Daleiden; Sandie Weathers, director of 40 Days for Life Ann Arbor; and, Alan Weathers all from the Diocese of Lansing

The police line was formed in front of the Supreme Court Building, where the pro-choice protesters were trying to shout over the silent no more participants