Literacy Career Fair at St Luke N.E.W. Life Center

June 27, 2015, a foggy and rainy Saturday morning, found a number of Religious Women from around the Diocese of Lansing joining with other volunteers for the second Literacy Career Fair at the St Luke N.E.W. Life Center, Flint. The Sisters participated in registration, hospitality and playing games.  The St Luke N.E.W Life Center is a faith-based environment providing life skills and workplace training which empower people to become self-sufficient.   This initiative was one of the events celebrated during the Year of Consecrated Life. 
The Career Fair hosted several hours of games, storytelling, and food.  In the midst of the fun and games, the children heard a few things about Jesus, too.   About 75 children from the surrounding area attended.  The day closed with a raffle of 14 new bicycles and helmets of varying sizes.  The local Kiwanis Club provided the funds for these bicycles.  
As stated by one of the Sister volunteers “everything was free!  The children were so eager and happy to play games, have a choice of free clothes items, books and prizes.  The joy and pleasure in the eyes of the Sisters and other adult volunteers was witness to the Christ filled day that was experienced by all who attended.”  
The St Luke N.E.W. Life Center is a key part of the focus of the FAITH in Flint Initiative launched by Bishop Boyea May 28, 2015.  It is no secret that the Church in Flint has not been immune to the region’s economic and population declines.  The purpose of this initiative is to call attention to our Catholic parishes, schools, and agencies to thrive and most importantly, to bring Christ to those in the city who do not know him.  One way to participate in this initiative is by volunteering:  that is what these Religious Women did on June 27.