Do you want to learn more about the issue of gender dysphoria including how to give an authentically Catholic response rooted in truth and love?
If so, you are invited to attend the 2024 Familiaris Consortio Conference being hosted at Father Gabriel Richard High School in Ann Arbor on Saturday, March 2, 2024, at 8.15am until Noon.
The topic of the conference is “Male and Female He Created Them: Responding to Gender Dysphoria in Truth and Charity”.
The keynote speakers include:
* John Bursch, author of the highly acclaimed, Loving God’s Children: The Church and Gender Ideology;
* Dr. Hruz, M.D. PhD., an academic pediatric endocrinologist who has served as a consultant for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the National Catholic Bioethics Center:
* Father Sean Kilcawley, a nationally recognized speaker on Theology of the Body, Human Love and pornography addiction.
* Al Kresta of Ave Maria Radio host of Kresta in the Afternoon will round out the program.
A light breakfast is included beginning at 8:00 am. The event is free and open to the public, but registration is kindly requested at fgrhs.org/events.
The Familiaris Consortio Lecture Series is an outreach initiative by Father Gabriel Richard High School. This year's conference has been organized in conjunction with Ave Maria Radio.
Its mission is to bring scholars and accomplished individuals to speak on a variety of issues that directly affect modern family life striving to contribute to the common good.
It takes its name from the 1981 Apostolic Exhortation by Pope St. John Paul II which was the fruit of thirty years of philosophical reflection and practical experience on issues regarding the family.