Holy Matrimony: An Amazing Grace

Aaron and Deena Decker from Fenton in Genesee County look like the picture of marital bliss but, like any married couple, they’ve had tough times – as they tell this month’s Faith Magazine, though, they’ve always been sustained during those difficult days by the grace of God mediated through the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.

“Without God and the grace of the sacrament, struggles can seem insurmountable,” said Aaron to Faith, “but with God at the center, marriage is wonderful and joyful, even in the struggles.”

The young couple are parishioners at St John the Evangelist in Fenton. They feature on the front cover of Faith Magazine holding daughter Evelyn and baby son Cassian. Prior to his arrival, though, Deena lost two pregnancies, one at six weeks and one at eight weeks.

“We found a doctor who specializes in NaPro (Natural Procreative Technology), and she figured out that I have low progesterone” explains Deena, “She helped us chart my cycle so we were able to conceive Cassian. Then she prescribed 36 weeks of progesterone shots to help the baby develop. Now Cassian is here, and Evelyn knows we have two little saints in heaven.”

“God has been so good to us! He has swept us up and held us in a hug,” says Aaron, “I want Deena to see how much I love her and our children to know how much I love their mother.”

“I love our journey, seeing how God has taken us and changed our hearts! I genuinely enjoy being around you,” he tells Deena, “and I’m glad we have our faith to share – someone who knows our job is to help each other get to Heaven.”

Deena looks over Cassian’s tiny head and says simply, “Right back at you, babe.”

Faith is the official magazine of the Diocese of Lansing. Read the full story of Aaron and Deena at: https://faithmag.com/you-need-god-live-sacrament-marriage