Grieving with great hope

John and Sandy O’Shaughnessy are co-founders of Good Mourning Ministry, a Catholic Bereavement apostolate. They present workshops for a weekend or in a five week series. John is a certified grief counselor and Sandy has a master’s in pastoral ministry. They both experienced the loss of a spouse and becoming single parents.John says, “Within the Catholic community we knew there was a need for this type of ministry.”
Each session focuses on prayer, reflection and remembrance. Part of the workshop is in a church and the rest in a classroom setting. So far, 450 people have attended these workshops. The sessions are for those who have lost a spouse, a child, parents, other family members or friends.
The O’Shaughnessy’s are members of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Plymouth, where the first workshop was presented. Eighty people attended. They follow their mission:  Guided by the Holy Spirit, Good Mourning Ministry endeavors to be a transformational bereavement resource for Catholic parishes and people who are mourning the loss of a loved one.
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By Jan Hoffbauer