Good Shepherd Radio is ready to air

Four years ago, sixteen people gathered in Jackson and, within an hour and half, decided who would be the board of directors. Since then, the group has met faithfully planning for this big day. Doug Shumard, president of Good Shepherd, says only a few more electronic issues need to be solved and the station will be broadcasting – and states – they have had so many miracles.
Michigan has 12 Catholic radio stations. When Good Shepherd begins operating, Shumard hopes that people can listen to Catholic stations from Lake Erie to Lake Michigan. He is confident that the station will be broadcasting daily news about Pope Francis and Catholic events.
To celebrate the opening of Good Shepherd Radio, a special evening is planned for Aug. 7 at St. Joseph’s Social Center, 705 N. Waterloo in Jackson. Tom Loewe, director of Development at Ave Maria Radio, will be the master of ceremonies. Bishop Earl Boyea will be the guest speaker. Al Kresta, president and CEO of Ave Maria Radio in Ann Arbor, also will speak along with Father Chas Canoy, pastor of St. John Parish in Jackson – and Doug Shumard.
Everyone is invited to celebrate this exciting evening and learn all about Good Shepherd Catholic Radio. Dinner will be provided and admission is free. An RSVP is encouraged – please call 517.748.5277 or email with your name and number of people attending.