Congratulations to Olivia Gonzalez, Lansing Catholic High School and Patrick Bertoni, St. Mary, Chelsea for being the awarded the 2018 Father Charles Irvin writing scholarship for high school seniors.
Each year FAITH Magazine sponsors a writing scholarship contest for Catholic high-school seniors in the Diocese of Lansing. This annual scholarship was set up to honor our founding editor, Father Charles E. Irvin. As founding editor of FAITH, Father Charlie inspired and guided a fine team of writers to deliver the first official publication for the Diocese of Lansing.
FAITH is committed to encouraging young people to write. Modern media will always rely on individuals who use the English language to speak to our ambitions, hopes and dreams. For many, faith is an important part of those hopes and dreams. The ability to express faith lived out in words is our primary reason for establishing this scholarship.
Congrats Olivia and Patrick!