Faith and Reason Symposium

Dr. Peter Feldmeier delivered the keynote speech at the Faith and Reason Symposium at Siena Heights in Adrian. Dr. Feldmeier, Murray/Bacik professor of Catholic Studies at the University of Toledo, spoke about “The Assurance of God: A Response to Atheism and a Reason for Faith.” He examined and responded to the arguments in recent books, which reject belief in God.
Bishop Boyea had requested Catholic universities in the diocese to host an event during the Year of Faith. Siena Heights University responded to the bishop’s request by planning the symposium. The daylong event ended with Bishop Boyea presiding over Mass
Some of the topics covered in the breakout sessions were: “Faith and Science: Strangers, Adversaries or Allies?” and “The Pious Scientist: Micromarvels and the Cosmos as Revelation.” Presenters included: Father Joe Krupp, Katie Diller, Joseph Raab, Patricia Walter, OP and Sharon Weber, OP. By Jan Hoffbauer