End of life issues

Father Dave Hudgins, St. Joseph Shrine, Brooklyn, led a discussion about end-of-life issues for the Life after Fifty group. He asked, “For Christians why is death so important?”The answers varied, but the consensus was because when death occurs people go home to their eternal life. Father Hudgins added that, “when we die we share with Jesus and enter into our heavenly life. Jesus changed the meaning of death.”
His discussion used actual accounts of people facing ordinary and extraordinary means of staying alive. Ordinary care, such as food and water are obligatory.  Extraordinary care, such as a feeding tube is not obligatory. Father Hudgins stressed that the commandment, “Thou shall not kill,” always must be followed. He also spoke about “Durable Power of Attorney” and told those present to be certain they trusted the individual they choose for that position. Since this individual would be making serious decisions  concerning their medical treatment. Father Hudgins concluded saying, “The end of life can be beautiful and scary.”