Diocese Approves Plan for Parish Offices at Former Abortion Clinic

An agreement between the Church of the Resurrection and the owners of a building housing Lansing’s last, free-standing surgical abortion clinic will ultimately put an end to business for WomanCare clinic by October 1, 2014. Bishop Earl Boyea has given his approval for the Church of the Resurrection to lease 4,100 square feet of space on the upper level of 1601 East Grand River.  The building, west of Wood Street, overlooks the Groesbeck Golf Course. On the city’s northeast side, the office space currently houses Matrix Engineering and the abortion clinic. The abortionist/owner of WomanCare clinic has been given two months’ notice to vacate the premises.
The plan to take over the space was conceptualized by Fr. Steve Mattson, pastor of the Church of the Resurrection, 1531 East Michigan Avenue, Lansing.  Fr. Mattson said the decision to use the space for temporary offices will accomplish a two-fold purpose. 

Click here for audio interview with Father Steve Mattson, pastor of Church of the Resurrection and Cecilia Tombelli of 40 Days for Life, Lansing on Ave Maria Radio's Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo (19:51)

“Our parish needs temporary space, because we are converting our rectory and current parish offices into a convent to make room for the incoming Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, who will be serving at Resurrection School and Lansing Catholic High School this fall. At this new location, overlooking the Groesbeck Golf Course, the offices will allow us to both meet the needs of our parishioners and to affirm our comprehensive pro-life commitment to men and women in greatest need. We desire for our parish, including our presence at this new site, to be a place of hope and healing for all who have been wounded by the effects of sin in our world.” 
This past spring, Fr. Mattson met with pro-life leaders from the Lansing-area to solicit their input and measure the interest they may have in using approximately 1,500 square feet on the northern side of the building to create a New Life Formation Center. While 2,600 square feet on the southern side will be used to meet parish needs, the remaining space is slated to become a hub for pro-life ministry. “We desire to provide real help for individuals and families, and want to help educate our community on the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.”