Diocesan Nun Run

Dawn Hausmann, director of Consecrated Virgins, arranged a Nun Run to help women in the Lansing Diocese to discern whether they have a vocation to the religious life.“We have 25 awesome women from eight to their 20’s. They are here to ponder in their heart as Mary did. When they are where they are meant to be, they will feel peace. It will be where God speaks to them,” Dawn says.
Cecilia Tombelli, Church of the Resurrection, Lansing, parishioner was one of the drivers for the event. She is the mother of four daughters and felt the Lansing Diocese had great insight into offering a Nun Run.
Several of the women are students at Michigan State University, East Lansing, and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. One of the women participants said that while discerning religious life it is good to see what the different religious lives were like.
The group celebrated Mass and had meals with different Michigan religious orders. They spent time with the Servants of God’s Love, Ann Arbor; the Daughters of St. Mary of Providence, Grass Lake; the Dominican Sisters, Adrian; the Sisters of Mercy, Alma; and with two Consecrated Virgins.