Diocesan Courage/Encourge programs

The Diocese of Lansing provides information for men and women who are attracted to same-sex individuals. Bishop Earl Boyea supports these programs and they have an office in the diocesan center..A couple involved with the Encourage Support Group monthly meetings at Holy Spirit Church, 9565 Musch Road in Brighton, say it is primarily for parents but siblings and spouses also can attend. The next meeting will be  March 16.
Courage is a spiritual support group that helps Catholic men and women live in accordance with the Church's teaching on same-sex attraction. Courage members strive to develop lives of chastity in union with Christ.
Confidentially is important to both groups.  For more information regarding the meetings or to discuss the issue of same-sex attraction, contact the diocesan office at 517.342.2596 or email  caverart@comcast.net.
By Jan Hoffbauer