Council of Catholic Women’s “Spirit of Spring” retreat

St. Catherine Labouré Parish, Concord, hosted the “Spirit of Spring,” a day retreat sponsored by the Lansing Diocese’s Council of Catholic Women. Fathers Charles Irvin and Doug Osborn co-celebrated Mass for those in attendance.  Eleven different parishes were represented.Caryn Brandonisio brought her daughter, Gabby. They are members of St. Catherine Labouré. Gabby shares, “It is so nice to see everyone and enjoy the fellowship.” Caryn note, “I attended last year and this is a chance to follow up. It is very meaningful.”
Kathleen Petersen, St. Anthony Church, Hillsdale, talked about embracing the vocation of women hood. The ladies made rosaries, bracelets and cards. Many offices of the diocese’s Council of Catholic Women attended including Carolyn Morison, province director for the State of Michigan who visits seven dioceses. Carolyn says, “I meet wonderful women and it amazing all that they are doing.”
If you would like to learn more about the Council of Catholic Women and attend their upcoming Women’s Conference on Oct. 26, visit