Here are some beautiful images capturing Saturday’s Consecration of Virgins Living in the World at St. Mary Cathedral in Lansing as Dawn Hausmann and Weena Isabelle Gaulin were consecrated by Bishop Earl Boyea.
“What is to be most noted about today is that this celebration is not about what you do, but about what God does to you through his Church,” said Bishop Boyea to the two women during his homily, 16 November, Feast of St. Gertrude.
“You are consecrated, dedicated to the service of the Church and all humanity. True, you offer your gift of your virginity, but it is a gift which the Church then takes and turns from a lack to a blessing by this act of consecration.”
“It is the Church which today gives you the dignity of the bride of Christ, making you a sign of the All Holy God by the richness your virginity and a sign of the Church, the bride of Christ, by your own being espoused to him.”
Bishop Boyea was the principal celebrant of the Mass for the Consecration to a Life of Virginity for Women Living in the World. He was joined by nearly 30 clergy from across the Diocese of Lansing. They were assisted by Deacon Randy Desrochers and Deacon Gene Hausmann, Dawn's father. The sacred music was provided by a joint chorus consisting of the Choir of St. Mary Cathedral; the Choir of the Church of the Resurrection, Lansing; and the Choir of the St. Joseph Shrine, Brooklyn.
“Tears come just at the thought about who I should thank for accompanying me in this wild journey of life and of vocation,” said Dawn in her note of gratitude to all present,
“You know who you are who have prayed your hearts out for me, cried with me, and loved me along the way. Thank you!”
“I pray that the jubilant laying down of my life for each one of you, for the Universal Church, and for the world will obtain new blood, new wine, in union with Christ for the renewal of the mystical life in all Creation,” said Weena Isabelle.
Congratulations to both women. St. Gertrude, pray for them!
* Photographs by Tom Gennara https://gennaraphotography.zenfolio.com/