The wonderful young Catholics at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti are both celebrating and giving thanks for a very fruitful Fall Semester on campus.
“Thanks be to God for all his graces this semester,” said Rachel Miller, Director of Campus Ministry at Eastern Michigan University, 17 December.
“We have 19 FOCUS Bible studies running all across campus - 8 Bible studies are led by the FOCUS missionaries and 11 of them are led by students. There are also 36 students training to lead more Bible study groups and learning how to invite their peers into a relationship with Christ.”
“Given the Eucharist is the source and summit of all we do, we also have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament once a month, which includes an opportunity for students to go to Confession.”
“Catholics on Campus hosts weekly events, and we were blessed to host two talks by some inspiring Catholic speakers. Earlier this month, we had Sister Miriam Heidland of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, give an incredibly powerful talk to our students on 'the power of love'.”
“In addition, back in October, we hosted Sister Bethany Madonna and a few Sisters of Life. They took a tour of campus, gave a talk to almost 80 students in the Student Center and hosted a lunch with our women's ministry, and they had a great impact on our campus. Just last week I learned that a student who went to the talk has decided that he wants to become Catholic this Easter! God is very good.”
* Want to know more about Catholics on Campus at Eastern Michigan University? Go to: http://www.catholicsoncampus.co/