Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw to host "Hustle for Hope"

Bust out your crimping iron and pop up those collars! Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw is hosting the “Hustle for Hope,” a totally ‘80s fun-run and walk to benefit the Washtenaw Child Advocacy Center (WCAC) and Healthy Families program serving at-risk children in the community. You can raise money as an individual, team or family, or just register to fun-run. There will be awesome activities for everyone. Dogs are welcome and we encourage you to rock your rad ‘80s attire. Visit to sign up and start raising money today.The run is Sat., June 6, 8:30 a.m. at Gallup Park (located at Geddes and Huron Parkway) in Ann Arbor. Cost: students $15; adults $25; family $40 and a team $75. Interested in more information or a sponsorship, please contact Jodi-Renee Giron at or 734.971.9781 ext. 323.