Bishop Boyea urges prayer for Flint, notes Catholic presence is strong

To donate to the Flint water crisis:

< Most Reverend Earl Boyea, Bishop of Lansing, issued the following statement on Wednesday, January 20, 2016>
The City of Flint has undergone many trials in recent years. Often, its people have faced the temptation to lose hope, to surrender to despair. The water crisis again presents that temptation, but again the answer must be to find strength in the love of God and the support of men and women of good will. The FAITH in Flint campaign, launched by the Diocese of Lansing in May, 2015, has been a source of hope and change for the people of Flint, generating donations, volunteerism and prayers. Long before the water crisis was known of, the Catholic presence in Flint has been strong. 
The numbers are heartbreaking. Eden Wells, Michigan's chief medical executive, said recently that all children who drank the city's water since April 2014 have been exposed to lead. That's 8,657 children, based on Census data. And children are at greatest risk for health problems from lead poisoning because their smaller bodies, which are still growing, are more susceptible to absorbing and retaining lead. 
Throughout this period, our Catholic charities have been a steady source of clean water for any who need it. Those efforts will continue, even as we applaud the arrival of outside assistance. Bottled water is being distributed at the St. Luke New Life Center, 3115 Lawndale Ave. in Flint, and at Catholic Charities’ Center for Hope Community Closet, 517 E. Fifth Avenue in Flint. 
In this Year of Mercy, I also urge Catholics, and all people of good will, to continue praying for the people of Flint. With prayer and fasting, let us call down the power of God on this city. We ask the Lord to grant wisdom and courage to civil leaders who are seeking solutions to the water issue. We pray for a season of peace – that crime and violence abate. We ask blessings on police officers, fire fighters and all first responders. We pray that mothers, fathers and educators will guide young people to reach their full potential as children of God. And we ask the Holy Spirit to come down on this city in a powerful way, casting out evil and fear. We ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten the men and women of this city, filling their hearts with love and peace. 
For those who wish to help, cases or gallons of water, or filters, can be dropped off at the Center for Hope location 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday. Monetary donations may be mailed to 901 Chippewa Street, Flint, MI 48503. Please include “water relief” on the memo line of the donation. Monetary donations also can be made by visiting
+Earl Boyea
Bishop of Lansing