Be Our Guest Adult Day Program celebrates – National Pancake Day

Bet you didn’t know there was a National Pancake Day. Be Our Guest Adult Day Program of Livingston County Catholic Charities is continually looking for fun and innovative ideas that will enhance and add excitement for its guests. A staff member learned that the United States has a National Pancake Day. So, the Be Our Guest Adult Day Program centered a whole day of fun with informative pancake facts, games, food, etc. The morning started with the guests selecting from many different and yummy toppings for their pancake breakfast. They each sampled about 10 different toppings and then held a voting contest and, of course, marshmallow fluff won.
The staff got creative and served “snowman” pancakes for lunch, which were made of pancakes, bacon, fruit and topped with whipped cream. The guests all loved these delicious snowmen. The afternoon brought a fun game of pancake toss. Ultimately one of our co-workers, Bill, ended up being decorated with pancakes – all in all, a day of fun.
For more information about the program or to volunteer, please contact Suzi Snyder, director of Senior Services at 517.546.9910.