Aaron Zenz, local author and illustrator inspires St. Mary’s students

“I bet at least one of you will write or illustrate a book one day,” Aaron Zenz said. “And when you do, I want you to track me down, and I will sit on the floor and listen while you read your book to me!” The students laughed, but his message got through – if their dream is to one day make a book – that dream can come true.Zenz has written and illustrated the children’s books The Hiccupotomus, Chuckling Ducklings and The Chimpansneeze. He spoke at St. Mary’s in preparation of a writers’ fair the school is hosting in May. Zenz presented three, one-hour-long workshops to the students, according to their grade level. He discussed the process involved in writing, illustrating and printing a book.
Principal Veronica Kinsey said, “He was very funny, especially with the younger kids. The kids were glued to everything he was saying.”
In fact, second grader Luke Schultz enjoyed the part in his class’ presentation when Zenz was trying to draw a picture, but his puppet Opie kept hiccupping. “It messed up the picture!” he laughed.
 Zenz shared some tricks of his trade – drawing a “thumbnail” sketch to get started and not being afraid to be messy in the early stages of idea development. He told the students, “You know how to draw circles, you’ve used colored pencils and you know how to write – you know all my secrets!”
Seventh grader Olivia Oakes wants to study literature and art in college, and said her favorite part of the presentation was “all of it.”