Communion of Saints News

Read: Saint Scholastica | "Saint of Faith and Family" by Michael Andrews
Read: My prayerful reflections from the tomb of Pope Pius IX by Father Peter Ludwig
Read: The Spiritual Journey of a Widow by Michèle Green
Read: Why venerate Saints Simon & Jude by Sean O'Neill, Editor, FAITH Magazine
Read: "How Mother Teresa of Calcutta changed my life" by Father Satheesh Alphonse Caniton, Chief Executive, Saint Louis Center, Chelsea
Read: "Why we should still celebrate Saint Bonfiace" by Michael Andrews
Read: "Why Saint Damien inspires us to love the most rejected" by Michael Andrews
Read: Blessed Carlo Acutis | A Model of Holiness in a Digital Age
Read: "Why we should all thank brave Saint Athanasius" by Richard Budd
Read: Why you need to know about Saint Anselm by Michael Andrews