2018 Nun Run a success!

Nun Run success! 33 women traveled the diocese of Lansing and into Detroit for our convent visiting this year. Beautiful group of women in Discernment!

Thank you all the parishes in the diocese and people who got word out about the Nun Run! This was the largest one by far from the past years having 33 women in attendance.  The people of the Diocese of Lansing are doing great work in building a culture of Vocations.  

On this Nun Run, we visited 5 different convents of various religious communities, which helped the ladies compare different charisms, apostolates, and ways of life of the different communities.  Some were active –contemplative.  One was a contemplative cloistered community who spoke to us from behind a parlor gate.   We also visited the home of a Consecrated Virgin.  This was a blessed experience for many of the women on this trip. 

A few of them affirmed potential callings to a couple of the Orders that we visited.  Another woman affirmed that she has a call to a different Order that we didn’t visit, however this event helped affirm that for her.  Some affirmed their journey to marriage by attending this event.  Others are going to put this experience in their ‘tool-box’ of their discerning hearts, and let God show them more about their path over time.  It was a blessing to all of us! 

For more information about Consecrated Vocations, contact Dawn Hausmann, 517-342-2506 or via e-mail to: dhausmann@dioceseoflansing.org