Nearly 200 teens from around the Diocese of Lansing, along with their adult chaperones, attended the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis, November 16-18.
NCYC held many opportunities for our teens to encounter Jesus and deepen their faith through Eucharistic adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Mass, reconciliation and dynamic presentations and workshops, including presentations by featured guests for next year’s Diocese of Lansing High School Youth Conference, Mark Hart and Andrew Laubacher.
Bishop Boyea was the principal celebrant for our regional Mass with teens from all over Michigan and Ohio. Deacon Jim Corder assisted. Kate Baumer, youth minister at St. Pat’s in Brighton had the opportunity to share her music with hundreds of people during some breakout sessions as well.
Special thanks to Jason Soltis for helping to organize the trip and to Deacon Jim Corder and Marylou Hahn-Setta for helping to monitor the hallways at the hotel!