October 21, 2022
My sisters and brothers in the Lord,
Welcome to this week’s Disciples Together on the Way Challenge. This week we continue with the theme of saints.
The saints are perfect role models for us on earth as we move down the path of holiness – down the path of sainthood! That is what we are all called to be – holy men and women! SAINTS! During their lifetime, saints exhibited heroic virtue – that’s how they became saints. The first requirement for beatification is some proof of the particular heroic virtue lived by the man or woman being considered. This then can move on to praying for miracles in order to beatify and then canonize this person. So, if we are looking for examples of virtuous living, we need look no further than to our friends, the saints.
Saints imitated the life of Christ throughout their life. Although we have Jesus as the perfect example to follow, the saints give us additional examples through their personal struggles and failures to which all of us can relate. Instead of claiming that we can’t be like Jesus, there is no such excuse that we can’t be like these fellow human beings. Saints provide wonderful examples for us of courage, perseverance, prudence and humility. And all this in spite of the fact, that each saint, except Mary, was also a sinner. They are just like us and we are just like them.
At some point in our lives, we may be drawn to a particular saint, maybe because of a specific struggle or need that arises. Quite possibly, we may be drawn to a number of different saints depending on our life situations. There is an inexhaustible list of guides for us to look to in the assembly of the saints! So, with a grateful heart – let’s honor one of our saints this week!
My challenge for you this week is to read about the saint feast days for this week. Choose one to celebrate in some manner. If you are drawn to celebrate another saint this week – maybe a patron saint of your household or parish feel free to do so. Let’s make a fuss of it!
Where would be without our saints! Let’s give them the honor they are due and thank them for providing us with excellent examples on how to live a life of holiness. And should you have the time, it might be a good idea to recite the Litany of the Saints.
I’ll be back with another challenge next week. Until then, may God bless you with His grace throughout this coming week, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Yours in Christ,
+ Earl Boyea
Bishop of Lansing
Note: The saints celebrated this week are as follows:
Sunday, October 23: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time;
Monday, October 24; Feast of St. Anthony Claret, Bishop;
Tuesday, October 25: Feast of Six Welsh Martyrs and Companions;
Feast of Saints Chrysanthus and Daria, Martyrs; Feast of Saints Crispin and Crispinian, Martyrs;
Wednesday, October 26: Feast of Saint Fulk of Piacenza, Bishop;
Thursday, October 27: Feast of Saint Evaristus, Pope and Martyr;
Friday, October 28: Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles;
Saturday, October 29: Feast Saint Narcissus of Jerusalem, Bishop.