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GROW+Go Launched in Parishes on Nov. 26!

Grow+Go is an initiative of the Diocese of Lansing to help parishes continue to create a culture of conversion, discipleship and evangelization. Bishop Boyea asked every parish in the Diocese of Lansing to launch the Grow+Go initiative on Nov. 26, the Feast of Christ the King, by distributing copies of the Personal Evangelization Plan to all Mass attendees.

Grow+Go isn’t just a one-time event. Rather, it is the next step in a process that began with Bishop Boyea’s 2012 pastoral letter, Go and Announce the Gospel of the Lord, in which he wrote:

Many today do not know Jesus. Let us evangelize our world! There are sisters and brothers, family members and friends who have left the Church. Let us re-engage them in the life of the Body of Christ! We cannot do this unless we ourselves are converted more fully to the Lord Jesus. Let us be his disciples!

The bishop’s pastoral letter provided a vision and "rally cry” for evangelization in our diocese. Grow+Go is the crucial next step!

Is Your Parish Part of the Evangelization Marketing Plan?

Grow+Go and Catholics Come Home are part of the Diocese of Lansing Evangelization Marketing Plan, offering parishes the tools to reach out to the Lost Sheep as well as those who may be searching for a church home.

Every parish has been invited to participate in the Evangelization Marketing Plan. The plan includes additional parish materials such as banners and welcome cards, as well as assistance with digital and social advertising to help people find your parish online. It also offers a complete Field Guide for making the plan effective in your parish.

The Diocese of Lansing is sharing the cost of this plan with participating parishes. View the complete marketing plan here and watch the video below to learn more. Contact Craig Pohl at or Dawn Doerr at to sign up.