Liturgical Guidelines Pentecost 2021

From the Office of Worship

Sunday, May 23rd marks the first Sunday since March of 2020 that parishioners once again have the freedom to take up the obligation to worship God on the Lord’s Day through attendance at Sunday Mass. 

  • Parishioners should expect to see increased capacity limits at their local parish so as to facilitate the opportunity for the fulfillment of the Sunday obligation. 
  • With the recent guidance from the CDC, those fully vaccinated need not mask or maintain social distance. Consistent with this, the Diocese only recommends masks and social distancing for individuals who are not fully vaccinated. With this policy being implemented in public places throughout the state, it seems best to allow the faithful to be responsible for implementing this as they see fit.
  • It may be helpful to encourage family members and people who have regular close contact to sit together so as to allow space for others who do wish to keep more social distance. 
  • Holy Communion is still recommended to be given only under one form. It seems inadvisable to reintroduce the chalice at this time, unless there is need for a chalice for someone who cannot receive the Sacred Host.
  • It is improper to impose a distinction among the assembly of the baptized based on whether they choose to wear a mask, avail themselves of the COVID vaccine, etc. People should generally be free to choose where they sit in the available seating.
  • It is recommended that the exchange of the sign of peace between the faithful continue to be omitted (see Circular Letter on the Ritual Expression of the Gift of Peace at Mass, 6a).