Young adults at 18-39 years of age are welcome to join us for this retreat! Come away during the Advent season to rest with the Lord and fellow young adults, by spending time in wonder at the mystery of God creating us as men and women.
We will be exploring the "how and why" God created us as men and women and "for what" purpose. What are we here on earth for and how do we live a human life, fully alive! We will be exploring Saint John Paul II's great masterpiece called the Theology of the Body, you are in for a great adventure this weekend!
When: December 2-4, 2022 (beginning Friday at 7:00pm and end at Noon Sunday)
What's Included: Retreat series on Theology of the Body, small group sessions, all meals, Mass for Saturday and Sunday, adoration, individual prayer/quiet time, confessions and prayer ministry will be available as well.
**Bonus** Those who would like to go from the retreat to the local brewery in Dewitt for lunch (an optional addition to the retreat) can spend a bit more time discussing the fruits of the retreat with one another.
This retreat will be led by Fr. John Whitlock and Dawn Hausmann.