Join Dr. John Bergsma from the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology for a day of talks designed to inform parish lay ministry leaders on how to see the Christian understanding of salvation through the biblical lens. Dr. Bergsma will walk participants through the Old Testament, going through the great stories of Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, the great kings and prophets of Israel, and culminating in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
09:30 AM - Doors Open
10:00 AM - Session 1
12:00 PM - Lunch
1:00 PM - Session 2
3:00 PM - Q&A
3:30 - Dismissal
About Dr. Bergsma
Dr. John Bergsma is Professor of Theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville. A former Protestant pastor, Dr. Bergsma entered the Catholic Church in 2001 while getting his Ph.D. in Bible from the University of Notre Dame. A close collaborator of Dr. Scott Hahn, Bergsma speaks regularly on Catholic radio and at conferences and parishes nationally and internationally. He has authored over a dozen books on Scripture and the Catholic faith, including Bible Basics for Catholics (Ave Maria Press), Stunned by Scripture: How the Bible Made Me Catholic (Our Sunday Visitor), and A Catholic Introduction to the Bible: Old Testament (with Brant Pitre; Ignatius Press). Dr. Bergsma’s talks and studies are available on CD and mp3 from catholicproductions.com. He and his wife Dawn reside with their eight children in Steubenville, Ohio.