Reconfiguring Clinton-Shiawassee Vicariate



Divina Miseratione et Apostolicæ Sedis Gratia


Reconfiguring Clinton-Shiawassee Vicariate 

The Clinton-Shiawassee Vicariate was originally established on September 15, 2008, in order to render the pastoral mission and care of souls more effective among the parishes of those districts.

However, having evaluated the present usefulness of this structure carefully in light of experience, the pastors of the vicariate have recommended that it be dissolved and its parishes be joined to the vicariates from they originated.

Having considered the recommendation of these pastors and the particular circumstances of Saint Mary, Morrice, I decree that the Clinton-Shiawassee vicariate be dissolved, and that the parishes which comprised it formerly be joined to other vicariates which are to be re-titled as below:

Most Holy Trinity Parish – Fowler, Saint Joseph Parish – Saint Johns, Saint Isidore Parish –Laingsburg, and Saint Mary Parish – Westphalia are to be attributed to the Ingham-Clinton-Eaton Vicariate;

Saint Mary Parish –Durand, Saint Joseph Parish –Gaines, Saint Mary Parish –Morrice, Saint Joseph Parish –Owosso, and Saint Paul Parish –Owosso are to be attributed to the Genesee-Shiawassee Vicariate.

It is further ordered that this decree be posted on the website of the Diocese of Lansing and that such posting will be considered the official notification. 

It is to be conveyed to the pastors of these parishes who are to publish this decree and make known its contents to the People of God in an appropriate manner after its promulgation.  As well, the vicars forane of the affected vicariates are to be notified. 

This decree is to take immediate effect upon posting.

Given at the Curia of the Diocese of Lansing at Lansing, Michigan, on this the 15th day of September in the year of Our Lord 2014, the Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows.